Tuesday, March 30, 2010

CL/KL and CR/KR Drills

CL/KL and CR/KR Drills

This is one of the easiest pairs of consonant sound clusters to practice. Please review your L and R Drills here.

Now, let's get directly into the practice session. Ready? Go!

CL/KL                      CR/KR

clean                         cream
clear                          creed
click                          crick
clue                          crew
claim                         crime


1. Close the clip bags and clamp them shut.
2. Clever clerk classes climb up the mountain.
3. The clown club clones the clover leaves.
4. The cleft made him cling to the clipped rock.


1.The crazy crowd crashed through the croplands.
2. The critical crime problem crowned the city.
3. The crane cried when the crow crashed into its nest.
4. The credit crisis worried the cream of the crop.


The cat crept into the crypt, clipped the clinging moss, and crept out.
The cat climbed and clambered up the wall then crumbs fell out.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

FL and FR Drills

FL and FR drills

We've already covered the pronunciation of /f/, so just visit this link if you need to review. Also, check your /r/ and /l/ pronunciation here.

The main thing you must remember when you are making the /f/ sound is that your lips must move into that position before you move your tongue to either /l/ or /r/. That said, on to the drills!


/fl/            /fr/

fly          fry
flame     frame
fleece    freeze
flee        free


1. I flipped the flapjacks into the flames.
2. Flee the seven flies flying after you.
3. Flowers are flooding into the flattering vases.


1. Free fries for free taste tests.
2. Freeze the fried frame of bacon.
3. Frantic frogs froze on the road.

Tongue Twister

Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
From flames do fly few free fruit flies.
If few free fruit flies fly, 
How can we fry free fruit flies with flames?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

GL and GR Drills

GL and GR Drills

/g/ is usually pronounced by pulling our tongue slightly towards our throat and and releasing air in a soft explosion from our mouths, while adding our voice. Again, if you need to review your /l/ and /r/ sounds, click here.

Ready? Let's go!


/gl/           /gr/

glean      green
glove      grove
gloss      gross
glade     grade


1. Gleaming gloves are glimmering.
2. Gloat when the gloss and glades are glorious.
3. Glitches in the glass-making classes are not gladsome.


1. Green groves are gratifying.
2. Great growers are grade level A.
3. Gross grownups are growing in number.


Glamorous glaring gladiators gladly glancing gloating gluttons gloriously.

Three grey geese in a field grazing. Grey were the geese and green was the grazing.

Note: Thank you for the second twister! Thanks!!!!

PL and PR Drills

PL and PR drills

Review your /p/ pronunciation here and your /r/ and /l/ pronunciation here.

That said, let's get started! :)


/pl/                /pr/

play            pray
plod           prod
plum           pram
plank          prank
 plover         proven


1. Plot the plowmen's pleasure cruise.
2. Planks are placed on the plummy ground.
3. Place the plover on the playground slide.


1. Prop the praying priest on the wall.
2. Pranks and praises are prolific in school.
3. The pram proved to be perfectly proficient.


Plucky Priscilla is plucking plums.
Plucking plums is plucky Priscilla's hobby.
Pricking plums and plotting plots,
She prances and planks in the hotel lobby.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

SM and SN Drills

SM and SN Drills

Please review your /s/ pronunciation here.


/sm/             /sn/

smear          sneer
smack         snack
smoke         snake
smell            snail


1. Smoky smooth barbecued s'mores are delicious.
2. Smell the sweet smiling flowers.
3. Smite the smelly smoking smiting smoker.


1. Sneak the snow peas inside.
2. Snakes are snacking on snails.
3. Sneer into his snaky eyes and snub him.


Smart snails smell snazzy smoking sneakers.
Smoking sneakers are smelled by smart snails.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

tr- and tw- drills

tr- and tw- drills

Hi! Haven't posted in so long, but here goes! We'll be finishing the initial consonant blends that I think should be practiced before we proceed to the final consonant blends! Shoutout to K-san for his suggestion on highlighting the words that have the sounds we should practice! I'll be editing the old links whenever I can, but I'll try to post new ones with the same format as this one as often as I used to post. Apologies and thanks!

you can review your [r] pronunciation here, and your [t] sound here.

Drill time!

[tr]                            [tw]

train                          twain
trill                           twill
tryst                          twist
trig                           twig


1. Trap the tripping traitor and trounce him.
2. Transfer the tractor to make the trapezoid tranquil.
3. Trace the treble sound on the treble tracker.


1. Twirling tweedy temple dancers are tired.
2. Twenty twin trout twist in midair.
3. The twelfth pair of tweezers is twinkling.

Tongue Twister

Twist the triumphant twister that trounced the twisting, traveling tracker.
If you twist the twisting twister that twisted the traveling tracker,
Then the triumphant twinkling trout of the twelve twilight tweezers
Will treat you to a twisted, twirling, tricky stick.

SP and SQU Drills

SP and SQU Drills

For your /p/ sound practice, please review here.

Most people usually forget that the letter /q/ is actually a combination of 3 sound in itself. you have to start with the /k/ sound, by opening your mouth and moving your tongue backwards slightly. Then purse your lips into a small circle and pull it back quickly to make a /wu/ sound. Got that? Drill time!


/sp/        /squ/

spare      square
spill         squeal
spud         squid
spire       squire


1.Spare the spilled spinning spare tire.
2. Spines are speedily growing.
3. Spread the spine-tingling special news.


1. Squishy squids squalling in squid ink.
2. Squeeze the squeaky squelching boots.
3. Squads of squinting, squirming squaws are squealing.


Sparky squealed while spinning on the squalid speaker.
The speaker squawked and spun around, too.
Sparky spun the speaker and squaws began to dance.
Squinting, he split the speaker in two.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

spl and spr drills

you can review your /p/ drills here. your /r/ and /l/ drills are here.

let's go!

/spl/                       /spr/

splay                       spray
splint                       sprint
splash                       sprout
spleen                     spree


1. The splashy splice of light is splintered.
2. Splendid spelunkers splayed their tools.
3. Splotchy splints made the nurse splutter.


1. He sprained his ankle when he sprawled on the springboard.
2. The sprinklers sprayed spring water on the squids.
3. Spritz the spruce with fertilizer.


Sprinkle the splinters on the sprinters today!
Splash the springbok with splendid sprays!
Sprigs of spruces will also be splendid!
So the sprinters and springbok will be splashed with spring water!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

/Skr/ and /Shr/ Drills

/Skr/ and /Shr/ Drills

drill review links:

/s/ and /sh/ drills are here, while /r/ drills are here

/skr/                                   /shr/

screw                                 shrew 
scrimp                                shrimp
scribble                               shrivel
scrub                                 shrub


1. The scrapbook was scratched.
2. Scream at the screenwriter who has the screwdriver.
3. The scribe scribbled the script on the scroll.
4. The scrawny scrooge scratched the scruffy screen.


1. We shredded the shrunken shrimp.
2. The shrapnel shrieked shrilly.
3. The shrine's shrew shrugged shyly.
4. The shroud was sold by the shrewd, shrinking tailor.


The scribbling shrew scraped shrimp shells.
Shrimp shells did the scribbling shrew scrape.
If the scribbling shrew scraped shrimp shells,
Then we should shrewdly shred the shrimp shells for the scribbling shrew.